The medical specialty concerned with the nervous system and its functional or organic disorders. Neurology helps diagnose and treat diseases and disorders of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
A branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and routine physical care of the reproductive system of women.
Apart from NEUROLOGIST and GYNAECOLOGIST, who are available throughout the week, many other specialist doctors are also available on prior appointment basis like NEUROSUGEON, CARDIOLOGIST, NEPHROLOGIST, RHEUMATOLOGIST etc. This centre aims towards expanding its horizon in near future. Presently this centre has facilities of all sorts of blood testing, ECG, EMG, NCV, EEG, UPT (pregnancy test), PAP smear testing etc. Here you can get contacts of many qualified Physiotherapists who can serve in home PHYSIOTHERAPY for the patients. Recently vaccination against cervical cancer has been started in this set up.